#114: Outpour - Why Jesus Came to Die
When asked why Christ came to die on the Cross, most Christians simply say, "to save us from our sins." But what does that really mean? This week, Greg & Brian discuss the multiple purposes behind Jesus' sacrifice, based on John Piper's book "Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die".
Music Credits:
Opening Music - "Nobody Loves Me Like You"
by Matt Milling
Additional Music -
"Happy for a Reason", "Holding Hands", "Celebratory Squeeze", "Fierce Competition", "Horizon Hill", "Deep Sea Voyage", "Happy Scream", "Rain in June", "Coastline Cruise", & "Horns of Plenty"
by Rob Reed
Used under license #422-431 (inclusive)
Closing Music - "Gospel"
by Judson Hurd
Licensed through Mevio's Music Alley