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The Boathouse - A Still Ripples Blog

Entries in Faith (3)


The Tapestry of God's Will

The complexity of will is as such that no aspect, variable, or condition of it can be analyzed or interpreted separately from the whole. To do anything less, disregards a fellow human being as simple, whose reasons and rights are limited to the critique of others. How much more respectfully, then, should we handle God's?

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Post-Christian Nation?

Updated on Thursday, October 3, 2013 at 7:06AM by Registered CommenterStill Ripples

Growing up, I was in a decidedly-Christian home, attending church every week (multiple times, actually), and knowing that God existed. With true childlike faith, I accepted what the Bible said, and in childlike innocence, assumed that everyone else did, too.

Unfortunately, we all have to grow up, and one of the first things to go seems to be naivety about many subjects.

Perhaps I should be embarrassed about this, but it is the truth. My assumption that everyone around me believes the way I do and accepts the same truths that I do has only recently (in my 30+ years) begun to come into question. I spent much of my 20s living in "the bubble": attending church, the BSM (Baptist Student Ministry) at the local junior college, and spending time with my "Christian" friends. I had nothing come along to challenge my perception that all was right with the world; that everyone shared -- or at least accepted -- my beliefs, and that confrontation about such things would be minimal throughout my life.

But something eventually changed.

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Seeing the Truth and Will of God

Feeling is never an acceptable standard for determining truth or measuring the will of God. As human beings we dread what we do not understand, we are hesitant of the uncomfortable, and we mistake a minute level of happiness for the overwhelming, fulfilling joy that only He provides and elicits within the believer. Paralleled to three of the major components or factors incorporated into the human eye for vision, there are three that form the standard that allows us to "see."

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